Index of GLAMOS Figures

GLAMOS Figures

Please cite GLAMOS figures: GLAMOS (1881-2020). The Swiss Glaciers 1880-2018/19, Glaciological Reports No 1-140, Yearbooks of the Cryospheric Commission of the Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT), published since 1964 by VAW / ETH Zurich, doi:10.18752/glrep_series.


Name Year Filename Description Author Remarks
Glacier-specific Length Change Figures 2023 List of glacier-specific length change figures Annual and cumulative length changes for every single surveyed glacier Bauder, Andreas -
Length Change Classification 2023 lc_stat_frequency.pdf Temporal pattern of length change for every glacier with ongoing measurements classified according to advance (blue), stationary station (green) and retreat (red). Glaciers are displayed in descending order of current glacier length. Bauder, Andreas -
Length Change Variation 2023 lc_stat_cum_en.pdf Fraction of classified annual glacier length change (advancing, stationary and retreating) for all glaciers with long-term measurement series (annual number of observations shown in top panel). The bottom panel shows the cumulative length change of four iconic glaciers with different characteristics throughout Switzerland. Bauder, Andreas -


Name Year Filename Description Author Remarks
Current state of glacier - Detail 2024 massbalance_current_detailed.pdf Daily cumulative mass balance of the current year (red line) inferred based on distributed modelling and in-situ observations (triangles). The current state with respect to the last 10 years (shaded areas, blue dashed line) is indicated by the bar on top. Huss, Matthias -
Current state of glacier - Map overview 2024 massbalance_current.pdf Glaciers with information on the current mass balance. Colour symbols indicate differences with respect to the average of the last 10 years at the given date. Numbers are expressed as standard deviations during the reference period. The second plot shows daily cumulative mass balance aggregated for all investigated glaciers. Huss, Matthias -
Glacier-specific Massbalance Figures 2024 List of glacier-specific massbalance figures Time series of glacier-wide annual mass balance (grey bars) and seasonal (winter/summer) mass balance (blue/red bars) for every single glacier since the beginning of the surveys. Seasonal mass balances based on modelling instead of direct observations are displayed in light grey. All data have been homogenized to the hydrological year for comparability. The bottom panel shows the cumulative mass balance. Huss, Matthias -
Massbalance Anomaly Annual 2024 massbalance_anomaly_annual.pdf Anomaly of individual observations of glacier-wide ANNUAL mass balance (solid dots) relative to the glacier-specific average of the previous 10 years. Numbers for the individual measurements are given referring to the hydrological year (1 Oct to 30 Sept). Small dots show a regional extrapolation to indicate spatial trends. Years since 2000 are shown in reversed order. Huss, Matthias -
Massbalance Anomaly Winter 2024 massbalance_anomaly_winter.pdf Anomaly of individual observations of glacier-wide WINTER accumulation (solid dots) relative to the glacier-specific average of the previous 10 years. Numbers for the individual measurements are given referring to a fixed period (1 Oct to 30 April). Small dots show a regional extrapolation to indicate spatial trends. Years since 2000 are shown in reversed order. Huss, Matthias -
Massbalance Anomaly Summer 2024 massbalance_anomaly_summer.pdf Anomaly of individual observations of glacier-wide SUMMER mass loss (solid dots) relative to the glacier-specific average of the previous 10 years. Numbers for the individual measurements are given referring to a fixed period (1 May to 30 Sept). Small dots show a regional extrapolation to indicate spatial trends. Years since 2000 are shown in reversed order. Huss, Matthias -
Course of Massbalance 2024 course_of_massbalance.pdf Modelled cumulative course of daily glacier-wide mass balance in the current year constrained by seasonal in situ surveys (black triangles). The average variation of cumulative daily mass balance in the previous 10 years is shown with the grey shading and the top bar provides a classification of the state of the current year relative to the 10-year average. Huss, Matthias -
Volume Evolution 2024 volume_evolution.pdf Evolution of total glacier ice volume since 1980 based on today’s total measured ice volume and a spatial extrapolation of observed mass balance. Results are both shown for all Swiss glaciers, and specified for individual hydrological basins. Numbers for relative ice volume changes are both given for decadal time periods (light blue), and at the annual scale. Huss, Matthias -
Relative Icevolumechange 2024 relative_icevolumechange.pdf Relative annual change in total Swiss glacier ice volume with respect to the previous year. Colours indicate extreme loss (red), strong loss (orange), moderate loss (grey), and gain (blue). The blue shading in the background shows the evolution of overall Swiss glacier volume since 2000. Huss, Matthias -
Probability distribution glacier-wide ANNUAL mass balance 2024 probability_glacier-wide_annual.pdf Probability distribution of all observations of glacier-wide ANNUAL mass balance for selected glaciers (blue). The mass balances in the hydrological year (1.10.-30.9.) are shown by grey vertical lines. The current year is highlighted in red and the statistical difference from the average is given in standard deviations (sigma). Huss, Matthias -
Probability distribution glacier-wide WINTER mass balance 2024 probability_glacier-wide_winter.pdf Probability distribution of all observations of glacier-wide WINTER mass balance for selected glaciers (blue). The mass balances in the hydrological year (1.10.-30.9.) are shown by grey vertical lines. The current year is highlighted in red and the statistical difference from the average is given in standard deviations (sigma). Huss, Matthias -
Probability distribution ANNUAL point mass balance 2024 probability_point_annual.pdf Probability distribution of all observations of local ANNUAL mass balance at one representative measurement site for selected glaciers (blue). The mass balances during the period covered by measurements are shown by grey vertical lines. The current year is highlighted in red and the statistical difference from the average is given in standard deviations (sigma). Huss, Matthias -
Probability distribution WINTER point mass balance 2024 probability_point_winter.pdf Probability distribution of all observations of local WINTER mass balance at one representative measurement site for selected glaciers (blue). The mass balances during the period covered by measurements are shown by grey vertical lines. The current year is highlighted in red and the statistical difference from the average is given in standard deviations (sigma). Huss, Matthias -

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